====== Cavebot ====== {{:cavebot_tools.png?600|}} ===== Summary ===== The **Cavebot** automatically walks over a waypoint, it is useful to reach spawns and with the help of the [[Killer]] and the [[Looter]] you will be able to hunt totally //afk// earning money and experience. ===== Settings ===== **Learn:** makes the cavebot "learn" the path by marking a position(x,y,z) every some tiles your char moves. The **Learn** detects the change of floors, so use **shovel** and **rope** normally because the **//bbot//** will know use them when you need. With this, create a script is simple and easy. **Rope:** this is a global configuration for Rope usage. If where your char hunt needs the use of a Elvenhair rope, here is the place for you to set. **Shovel:** as the Rope option, this is a global configuration, but now for Shovel usage. **Players:** * Walker Never * Walker Avoid * Walker Over **Fields:** * Walker Never * Walker Avoid * Walker Over **Furnitures:** * Walker Never * Walker Avoid * Walker Over ===== Special SQM'S ===== [[special_sqm_s|Special SQM'S]] ===== Waypoint ===== The waypoint is the path that the **Cavebot** follows. To do a simple waypoint use the Learn feature. However for advanced waypoints you must use other features, these will be explained group-by-group below. * [[Add Types]] * [[Message Types]] * [[Trade Types]] * [[codes_labels|Codes/Labels Types]]