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macros_commands [2011/04/18 19:06]
noen created
macros_commands [2021/11/15 16:43]
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-====== Macros Commands ====== 
-**Getting your current position** 
-In the Macro Screen press [Position] button. 
-===== Map ===== 
-**Map.HasID**(//ID, X, Y, Z//) returns 1 if the position has the ID. 
-**Map.UseOn**(//ID, OnID, X, Y, Z, Range//) use one item on the ground ( samples: key in a door, fire bug in the silk wall ). 
-**Map.Use**(//ID, X, Y, Z, Range//) use a item in the ground ( samples: door, ladder ). 
-**Map.Thrown**(//ID, Count, X, Y, Z//) drops an item on the ground. 
-**Map.PickUp**(//ID, Count, Container, X, Y, Z//) pick up an item on the ground. 
-===== NPC ===== 
-**NPC.Buy**(//ID, Count, IgnoreCap//) buy X (count) items of ID, IgnoreCap is a NPC propertie (1 to ignore, 0 to not ignore). 
-**NPC.BuyInBP**(//ID, Count, IgnoreCap//) NPC.Buy but buy items inside backpacks. 
-**NPC.Sell**(//ID, Count//) sell a item, if the count is -1 then you sell all the items from your backpacks. 
-**NPC.Say**(//Text//) send a message in the NPC channel. 
-===== VIP ===== 
-**Vip.Online**(//Name//) returns 1 if the friend is online 
-===== Hotkeys ===== 
-Hotkey.Use(ID[/b]) use a item (sample: food) 
-===== Misc ===== 
-**Misc.Alert**(**Message**) start a alarm with a custom message. 
-**Misc.ShootCount**(//InLastSeconds//) return the count of shoot missiles in you (sample: you received 5 sudden deaths in the last 2 seconds, if you use Misc.ShootCount(3) it will return 5) 
-Misc.AttackersCount(InLastSeconds) return the count of attacks received. 
-Misc.HPLose(InLastSeconds) returns the losen hp in the last seconds 
-Misc.LoadUrl(Url) load a URL (advanced) 
-Misc.LogFile(File, Text) append a text to the file 
-Misc.HPGain(InLastSeconds) returns the gained hp in the last secnds 
-Misc.HPDelta(InLastSeconds) returns the delta of gained/losen hp in the last seconds 
-Misc.HPHitsBigger(InLastSeconds, BiggerThan) returns the number of hits with damage higher than the BiggerThan 
-Misc.StandTime returns the time you are in the same sqm 
-Misc.ItemCount(ItemName) returns the item count (the item count is the one in hotkey messages, You are using one of xx health potions) 
-Misc.ItemCountEx(Item ID) returns the item count (the item count is the one in hotkey messages, You are using one of xx health potions) 
-BBot.TogglePause activate/desactivate the BBot 
-BBot.ToggleVisible show/hide the BBot 
-BBot.ToggleStats show/hide Statistics 
-BBot.LevelSpyReset turns back to your floor 
-BBot.LevelSpyUp looks one floor up 
-BBot.LevelSpyDown looks one floor down 
-Misc.SystemTime.Hour returns system's clock hour 
-Misc.SystemTime.Minute returns system's clock minute 
-Misc.SystemTime.Second returns system's clock second 
-HUD.Display(Text) display a HUD Text in the center of the screen 
-HUD.Setup(Xpos of the text (1->Left, 2->Center or 3->Right), Ypos of the text (1->Top, 2->Middle or 3->Bottom), red color, blue color, green color) 
-RBG Colors Chart 
-HUD.Setup Sample 
-CaveBot.GoStart makes the cavebot reset to the start of the waypoint 
-CaveBot.GoLabel(Label) makes the cavebot jump to a label inside the waypoint 
-Macro.Wait(Delay) sleep the macro for a time 
-returns the respective skill level 
-returns the percent of the respective skill 
-Self.MagicLevel returns the magic level 
-Self.MagicLevel% returns the percent of your magic level 
-Self.Inventory.RightHand = ID 
-Self.Inventory.LeftHand = ID 
-Self.Inventory.Legs = ID 
-Self.Inventory.Boots = ID 
-Self.Inventory.Ring = ID 
-Self.Inventory.Ammunition = ID 
-Self.Inventory.Helmet = ID 
-Self.Inventory.Amulet = ID 
-Self.Inventory.Backpack = ID 
-Self.Inventory.Armor = ID 
-returns 1 if your inventory item has the same ID 
-Status.ManaShield returns 1 if Magic/Mana shield is actived 
-Status.Paralysis returns 1 if you are Paralyzed 
-Status.Haste returns 1 if you are Hasted 
-Status.Battle returns 1 if you are with Battle (normal swords) 
-Status.Underwater returns 1 if you are Underwater 
-Status.Freezing returns 1 if you are Freezing 
-Status.Dazzled returns 1 if you are Dazzled 
-Status.Cursed returns 1 if you are Cursed 
-Status.Buff returns 1 if you are Party Buffed 
-Status.PZBlock returns 1 if you are with Battle (red swords) 
-Status.InPZ returns 1 if you are inside protection zone 
-Status.NoLight returns 1 if you are without any light 
-Status.Poison returns 1 if you are Poisoned 
-Status.Fire returns 1 if you are Burning 
-Status.Energy returns 1 if you are Energy 
-Status.Drunk returns 1 if you are Drunked 
-Self.UnEquip.Legs(To Container) 
-Self.UnEquip.Boots(To Container) 
-Self.UnEquip.Ring(To Container) 
-Self.UnEquip.Ammo(To Container) 
-Self.UnEquip.Helmet(To Container) 
-Self.UnEquip.Amulet(To Container) 
-Self.UnEquip.Backpack(To Container) 
-Self.UnEquip.Armor(To Container) 
-Self.UnEquip.RightHand(To Container) 
-Self.UnEquip.LeftHand(To Container) 
-puts your inventory item in a container (0 is your main container) 
-puts a item of your containers in your inventory 
-Self.TurnNE, Self.TurnNW, Self.TurnSE and Self.TurnSW do nothing 
-Self.TurnN turns your character to the North 
-Self.TurnS turns your character to the South 
-Self.TurnE turns your character to the East 
-Self.TurnW turns your character to the West 
-Self.MoveTo(X, Y, Z) moves your character to the position 
-Self.MoveN moves your character one sqm to the north 
-Self.MoveS moves your character one sqm to the south 
-Self.MoveE moves your character one sqm to the east 
-Self.MoveW moves your character one sqm to the west 
-Self.MoveNE moves your character one sqm to the north-east 
-Self.MoveNW moves your character one sqm to the north-west 
-Self.MoveSE moves your character one sqm to the south-east 
-Self.MoveSW moves your character one sqm to the south-west 
-Self Actions 
-Self.Stop stops the attacking/following /walking 
-Self.Say(Words) sends a message 
-Self.Logout makes your character logout only when no battle sign 
-Self.AvoidFront makes your character avoid waves from the target creature 
-Self.AvoidBackboard makes your character run from the target creature 
-Self.Yell(Text) yell a message 
-Self.PositionIn(X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2) returns 1 if your character is in the position square 
-Self.Health returns your HP 
-Self.Health% returns your HP in percent 
-Self.HealthMax returns your HP max 
-Self.Mana returns your Mana 
-Self.Mana% returns your Mana in percent 
-Self.ManaMax returns your ManaMax 
-Self.StaminaMins returns the stamina left in minutes 
-Self.Stamina% returns the stamina left in percents 
-Self.Capacity returns your capacity 
-Self.Soul returns your soul 
-Self.Experience returns your experience 
-Self.ExpToNextLevel returns the experience to the next level 
-Self.X returns your X position 
-Self.Y returns your Y position 
-Self.Z returns your Z position 
-Self.Level returns your Level 
-Self.Level% returns your Level percent 
-Self.Attacking returns 1 if your char is attacking 
-Creatures.Beside returns the number of creatures beside (distance <=1) 
-Creatures.OnScreen returns the number of the creatures in your screen 
-Creatures.ByRange(Range) returns the number of creatures in a range 
-Creatures.Killed(Name) returns the number of creatures killed by name 
-Creatures.PlayersOnScreen returns the number of players on screen 
-Target.ByName(Name) targets a creature with the name 
-Target.Foe targets the creature you are attacking 
-Target.Self targets yourself 
-Target.Health returns the target hp (in %) 
-Target.Speed returns the target speed 
-Target.Distance returns the target distance to your char 
-Target.NameIn(Name, Na..) returns 1 if the name of the Target is in the list 
-Target.Shoot(Ammo) shoot a item in the target (sample: ID '3155' shoots a sudden death in the Target) 
-VarSet(Name) creates a variable, its value is the next line of the macro [Tutorial] 
-VarSetEx(Name, Value) sets a value for the variable 
-VarDiv(Name, Value) divides the variable by the value (x / value) 
-VarMult(Name, Value) multiplies the variable by the value (x * value) 
-VarAdd(Name, Value) adds to the variable the value (x + value) 
-VarSub(Name, Value) substract the value from the variable (x - value) 
-VarMod(Name, Value) mod (x mod value) gives the remainder from dividing. Eg: 5 mod 3 = 2; 5 mod 2 = 1 
macros_commands.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/11/15 16:43 (external edit)