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Macros Commands

Getting your current position In the Macro Screen press [Position] button.


Map.HasID(ID, X, Y, Z) returns 1 if the position has the ID.

Map.UseOn(ID, OnID, X, Y, Z, Range) use one item on the ground ( samples: key in a door, fire bug in the silk wall ).

Map.Use(ID, X, Y, Z, Range) use a item in the ground ( samples: door, ladder ).

Map.Thrown(ID, Count, X, Y, Z) drops an item on the ground.

Map.PickUp(ID, Count, Container, X, Y, Z) pick up an item on the ground.


NPC.Buy(ID, Count, IgnoreCap) buy X (count) items of ID, IgnoreCap is a NPC propertie (1 to ignore, 0 to not ignore).

NPC.BuyInBP(ID, Count, IgnoreCap) NPC.Buy but buy items inside backpacks.

NPC.Sell(ID, Count) sell a item, if the count is -1 then you sell all the items from your backpacks.

NPC.Say(Text) send a message in the NPC channel.


Vip.Online(Name) returns 1 if the friend is online


Hotkey.Use(ID[/b]) use a item (sample: food)


Misc.Alert(Message) start a alarm with a custom message.

Misc.ShootCount(InLastSeconds) return the count of shoot missiles in you (sample: you received 5 sudden deaths in the last 2 seconds, if you use Misc.ShootCount(3) it will return 5)

Misc.AttackersCount(InLastSeconds) return the count of attacks received.

Misc.HPLose(InLastSeconds) returns the losen hp in the last seconds

Misc.LoadUrl(Url) load a URL (advanced) Misc.LogFile(File, Text) append a text to the file Misc.HPGain(InLastSeconds) returns the gained hp in the last secnds Misc.HPDelta(InLastSeconds) returns the delta of gained/losen hp in the last seconds Misc.HPHitsBigger(InLastSeconds, BiggerThan) returns the number of hits with damage higher than the BiggerThan Misc.StandTime returns the time you are in the same sqm Misc.ItemCount(ItemName) returns the item count (the item count is the one in hotkey messages, You are using one of xx health potions) Misc.ItemCountEx(Item ID) returns the item count (the item count is the one in hotkey messages, You are using one of xx health potions) BBot.TogglePause activate/desactivate the BBot BBot.ToggleVisible show/hide the BBot BBot.ToggleStats show/hide Statistics BBot.LevelSpyReset turns back to your floor BBot.LevelSpyUp looks one floor up BBot.LevelSpyDown looks one floor down Misc.SystemTime.Hour returns system's clock hour Misc.SystemTime.Minute returns system's clock minute Misc.SystemTime.Second returns system's clock second

HUD HUD.Display(Text) display a HUD Text in the center of the screen HUD.Setup(Xpos of the text (1→Left, 2→Center or 3→Right), Ypos of the text (1→Top, 2→Middle or 3→Bottom), red color, blue color, green color)

RBG Colors Chart HUD.Setup Sample

Cavebot CaveBot.GoStart makes the cavebot reset to the start of the waypoint CaveBot.GoLabel(Label) makes the cavebot jump to a label inside the waypoint

Macro Macro.Wait(Delay) sleep the macro for a time

Self.Skill Self.Skill.Fist Self.Skill.Club Self.Skill.Axe Self.Skill.Sword Self.Skill.Distance Self.Skill.Shielding Self.Skill.Fishing returns the respective skill level

Self.Skill% Self.Skill.Fist% Self.Skill.Club% Self.Skill.Axe% Self.Skill.Sword% Self.Skill.Distance% Self.Skill.Shielding% Self.Skill.Fishing% returns the percent of the respective skill

Self.MagicLevel Self.MagicLevel returns the magic level

Self.MagicLevel% Self.MagicLevel% returns the percent of your magic level

Self.Inventory Self.Inventory.RightHand = ID Self.Inventory.LeftHand = ID Self.Inventory.Legs = ID Self.Inventory.Boots = ID Self.Inventory.Ring = ID Self.Inventory.Ammunition = ID Self.Inventory.Helmet = ID Self.Inventory.Amulet = ID Self.Inventory.Backpack = ID Self.Inventory.Armor = ID returns 1 if your inventory item has the same ID

Status Status.ManaShield returns 1 if Magic/Mana shield is actived Status.Paralysis returns 1 if you are Paralyzed Status.Haste returns 1 if you are Hasted Status.Battle returns 1 if you are with Battle (normal swords) Status.Underwater returns 1 if you are Underwater Status.Freezing returns 1 if you are Freezing Status.Dazzled returns 1 if you are Dazzled Status.Cursed returns 1 if you are Cursed Status.Buff returns 1 if you are Party Buffed Status.PZBlock returns 1 if you are with Battle (red swords) Status.InPZ returns 1 if you are inside protection zone Status.NoLight returns 1 if you are without any light Status.Poison returns 1 if you are Poisoned Status.Fire returns 1 if you are Burning Status.Energy returns 1 if you are Energy Status.Drunk returns 1 if you are Drunked

Self.UnEquip Self.UnEquip.Legs(To Container) Self.UnEquip.Boots(To Container) Self.UnEquip.Ring(To Container) Self.UnEquip.Ammo(To Container) Self.UnEquip.Helmet(To Container) Self.UnEquip.Amulet(To Container) Self.UnEquip.Backpack(To Container) Self.UnEquip.Armor(To Container) Self.UnEquip.RightHand(To Container) Self.UnEquip.LeftHand(To Container) puts your inventory item in a container (0 is your main container)

Self.Equip Self.Equip.Legs(ID) Self.Equip.Boots(ID) Self.Equip.Ring(ID) Self.Equip.Ammo(ID) Self.Equip.Helmet(ID) Self.Equip.Amulet(ID) Self.Equip.Backpack(ID) Self.Equip.Armor(ID) Self.Equip.RightHand(ID) Self.Equip.LeftHand(ID) puts a item of your containers in your inventory

Self.Turn Self.TurnNE, Self.TurnNW, Self.TurnSE and Self.TurnSW do nothing Self.TurnN turns your character to the North Self.TurnS turns your character to the South Self.TurnE turns your character to the East Self.TurnW turns your character to the West

Self.Moves Self.MoveTo(X, Y, Z) moves your character to the position Self.MoveN moves your character one sqm to the north Self.MoveS moves your character one sqm to the south Self.MoveE moves your character one sqm to the east Self.MoveW moves your character one sqm to the west Self.MoveNE moves your character one sqm to the north-east Self.MoveNW moves your character one sqm to the north-west Self.MoveSE moves your character one sqm to the south-east Self.MoveSW moves your character one sqm to the south-west

Self Actions Self.Stop stops the attacking/following /walking Self.Say(Words) sends a message Self.Logout makes your character logout only when no battle sign Self.AvoidFront makes your character avoid waves from the target creature Self.AvoidBackboard makes your character run from the target creature Self.Yell(Text) yell a message Self.PositionIn(X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2) returns 1 if your character is in the position square

Self.Properties Self.Health returns your HP Self.Health% returns your HP in percent Self.HealthMax returns your HP max Self.Mana returns your Mana Self.Mana% returns your Mana in percent Self.ManaMax returns your ManaMax Self.StaminaMins returns the stamina left in minutes Self.Stamina% returns the stamina left in percents Self.Capacity returns your capacity Self.Soul returns your soul Self.Experience returns your experience Self.ExpToNextLevel returns the experience to the next level Self.X returns your X position Self.Y returns your Y position Self.Z returns your Z position Self.Level returns your Level Self.Level% returns your Level percent Self.Attacking returns 1 if your char is attacking

Creatures Creatures.Beside returns the number of creatures beside (distance ⇐1) Creatures.OnScreen returns the number of the creatures in your screen Creatures.ByRange(Range) returns the number of creatures in a range Creatures.Killed(Name) returns the number of creatures killed by name Creatures.PlayersOnScreen returns the number of players on screen

Target Target.ByName(Name) targets a creature with the name Target.Foe targets the creature you are attacking Target.Self targets yourself Target.Health returns the target hp (in %) Target.Speed returns the target speed Target.Distance returns the target distance to your char Target.NameIn(Name, Na..) returns 1 if the name of the Target is in the list Target.Shoot(Ammo) shoot a item in the target (sample: ID '3155' shoots a sudden death in the Target)

Variables VarSet(Name) creates a variable, its value is the next line of the macro [Tutorial] VarSetEx(Name, Value) sets a value for the variable VarDiv(Name, Value) divides the variable by the value (x / value) VarMult(Name, Value) multiplies the variable by the value (x * value) VarAdd(Name, Value) adds to the variable the value (x + value) VarSub(Name, Value) substract the value from the variable (x - value) VarMod(Name, Value) mod (x mod value) gives the remainder from dividing. Eg: 5 mod 3 = 2; 5 mod 2 = 1

macros_commands.1303153588.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/15 16:43 (external edit)