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The BBot Tools Menu


Small integrated features to Tibia, these features actived and inactived just by a simple click.


Anti Push: It will throw gold pieces and worms below you, so, other players cannot move you.

Auto Rope Auto rope holes next of you, making easier to trap players

Loot Bag Kicker: If a bag or a backpack is below you and you walk the BBot will move the item to you, so, you track the item on your feets

Fast Hand: It play the Fast Hand game on the depot, it works pushing very fast the items of the middle depot.

Loot Separator Separate the loot on your feet, if you select the Green Djinn for sample the BBot will throw items that are from Green Djinn on your feet, making easier to separate the loot, but do it in a safe place like houses, because other players can steal your loot.

Player Profile: Open a list that when you click on a name the BBot open the player profile on → Community → Character

Pskonejott Profile: Open a list that when you click on a name the BBot open a player online statistics on

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