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macros_commands [2013/10/20 17:03]
megano0body [Misc functions]
macros_commands [2021/11/15 16:43]
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-====== Macro Commands ====== 
-===== Creating Variables ===== 
-To create variables you must use the following syntax: 
-**VariableName** := //DefaultValue// 
-===== Using Variables ===== 
-You can use the variables in many places of the BBot, to use a variable use this syntax: 
-Variables can be used in the FullCheck and some other features of the BBot. 
-===== Internals ===== 
-**Exit**//()// Stop the macro execution 
-**Label**//(Name)// Go to a Label 
-**VarAdd**//(Name, Value)// Increase the variable value by a given value 
-**Inc**//(Name, Value)// Increase the variable value by a given value 
-**VarSub**//(Name, Value)// Decrease the variable value by a given value 
-**Dec**//(Name, Value)// Decrease the variable value by a given value 
-**VarMult**//(Name, Value)// Multiplies the variable value by the given value 
-**Mult**//(Name, Value)// Multiplies the variable value by the given value 
-**VarDiv**//(Name, Value)// Divides the variable value by the given value 
-**Div**//(Name, Value)// Divides the variable value by the given value 
-**VarMod**//(Name, Value)// Returns the modulos remainder of the Variable by the Value 
-**Mod**//(Name, Value)// Returns the modulos remainder of the Variable by the Value 
-===== Player state ===== 
-**Self.Health**//()// Absolute player health 
-**Self.Health%**//()// Percent player health 
-**Self.HealthMax**//()// Absolute max player health 
-**Self.Mana**//()// Absolute player mana 
-**Self.Mana%**//()// Percent player mana 
-**Self.ManaMax**//()// Absolute max player mana 
-**Self.StaminaMins**//()// The player stamina minutes 
-**Self.Stamina%**//()// The percent of the player stamina 
-**Self.Soul**//()// The soul of the player 
-**Self.Experience**//()// The experience of the player 
-**Self.ExpToNextLevel**//()// The experience left to the next level 
-**Self.Level**//()// The current player level 
-**Self.Level%**//()// The current percent of the player level 
-**Self.Attacking**//()// Is the player attacking (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Self.MagicLevel**//()// The player magic level 
-**Self.MagicLevel%**//()// The player magic level percent 
-**Self.Capacity**//()// The player capacity 
-**Self.X**//()// The player global position X 
-**Self.Y**//()// The player global position Y 
-**Self.Z**//()// The player global position Z 
-**Self.Mount**//()// The player mount id 
-===== Player Status ===== 
-**Status.Poison**//()// The player poison status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Fire**//()// The player burning status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Energy**//()// The player electrified status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Drunk**//()// The player good drunk status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.ManaShield**//()// The player mana shield status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Paralysis**//()// The player paralysis status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Haste**//()// The player haste status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Battle**//()// The player in battle status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Underwater**//()// The player under water status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Freezing**//()// The player freezing status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Dazzled**//()// The player dazzled status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Cursed**//()// The player cursed status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Buff**//()// The player strengthened or buffered status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.PZBlock**//()// The player PZ block (cannot logout, enter pz) status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.InPZ**//()// The player inside protection zone status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.NoLight**//()// The player no light status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Bleeding**//()// The player bleeding status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Status.Invisible**//()// The player invisible status (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-===== Player Inventory IDs ===== 
-**Self.Inventory.Helmet**//()// The player Helmet slot item id 
-**Self.Inventory.Amulet**//()// The player Amulet slot item id 
-**Self.Inventory.Backpack**//()// The player Backpack slot item id 
-**Self.Inventory.Armor**//()// The player Armor slot item id 
-**Self.Inventory.RightHand**//()// The player Right Hand (->) slot item id 
-**Self.Inventory.LeftHand**//()// The player Left Hand (<-) slot item id 
-**Self.Inventory.Legs**//()// The player Legs slot item id 
-**Self.Inventory.Boots**//()// The player Boots slot item id 
-**Self.Inventory.Ring**//()// The player Ring slot item id 
-**Self.Inventory.Ammunition**//()// The player Ammunition slot item id 
-===== Player Inventory Counts ===== 
-**Self.Inventory.Helmet.Count**//()// The player Helmet slot item count 
-**Self.Inventory.Amulet.Count**//()// The player Amulet slot item count 
-**Self.Inventory.Backpack.Count**//()// The player Backpack slot item count 
-**Self.Inventory.Armor.Count**//()// The player Armor slot item count 
-**Self.Inventory.RightHand.Count**//()// The player Right Hand (->) slot item count 
-**Self.Inventory.LeftHand.Count**//()// The player Left Hand (<-) slot item count 
-**Self.Inventory.Legs.Count**//()// The player Legs slot item count 
-**Self.Inventory.Boots.Count**//()// The player Boots slot item count 
-**Self.Inventory.Ring.Count**//()// The player Ring slot item count 
-**Self.Inventory.Ammunition.Count**//()// The player Ammunition slot item count 
-===== Player Skill Levels ===== 
-**Self.Skill.Fist; **//()// The current First skill level 
-**Self.Skill.Club; **//()// The current Club skill level 
-**Self.Skill.Axe; **//()// The current Axe skill level 
-**Self.Skill.Sword; **//()// The current Sword skill level 
-**Self.Skill.Distance; **//()// The current Distance skill level 
-**Self.Skill.Shielding; **//()// The current Shielding skill level 
-**Self.Skill.Fishing; **//()// The current Fishing skill level 
-===== Player Skill Percents ===== 
-**Self.Skill.Fist%; **//()// The current First skill percent 
-**Self.Skill.Club%; **//()// The current Club skill percent 
-**Self.Skill.Axe%; **//()// The current Axe skill percent 
-**Self.Skill.Sword%; **//()// The current Sword skill percent 
-**Self.Skill.Distance%; **//()// The current Distance skill percent 
-**Self.Skill.Shielding%; **//()// The current Shielding skill percent 
-**Self.Skill.Fishing%; **//()// The current Fishing skill percent 
-===== Vip ===== 
-**Vip.Online**//(Name)// (Disabled since Tibia 962)The Online status of a friend (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-===== Player Actions ===== 
-**Self.Say**//(Text)// Say a text in the default channel 
-**Self.Yell**//(Text)// Yell a text in the game 
-**Self.Stop**//()// Stop current action 
-**Self.PositionIn**//(X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2)// Check if the player is in a position box (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Self.MoveTo**//(X, Y, Z)// Walk to a position 
-**Self.MoveN**//()// Step one sqm to the north 
-**Self.StepNorth**//()// Step one sqm to the north 
-**Self.MoveS**//()// Step one sqm to the south 
-**Self.StepSouth**//()// Step one sqm to the south 
-**Self.MoveE**//()// Step one sqm to the east 
-**Self.StepEast**//()// Step one sqm to the east 
-**Self.MoveW**//()// Step one sqm to the west 
-**Self.StepWest**//()// Step one sqm to the west 
-**Self.MoveNE**//()// Step one sqm to the north east 
-**Self.StepNorthEast**//()// Step one sqm to the north east 
-**Self.MoveNW**//()// Step one sqm to the north west 
-**Self.StepNorthWest**//()// Step one sqm to the north west 
-**Self.MoveSE**//()// Step one sqm to the south east 
-**Self.StepSouthEast**//()// Step one sqm to the south east 
-**Self.MoveSW**//()// Step one sqm to the south west 
-**Self.StepSouthWest**//()// Step one sqm to the south west 
-**Self.Logout**//()// Logout the player as soon as possible (stop cavebot and wait for logout unblock) 
-**Self.TurnN**//()// Turn the player to the north 
-**Self.TurnNorth**//()// Turn the player to the north 
-**Self.TurnS**//()// Turn the player to the south 
-**Self.TurnSouth**//()// Turn the player to the south 
-**Self.TurnE**//()// Turn the player to the east 
-**Self.TurnEast**//()// Turn the player to the east 
-**Self.TurnW**//()// Turn the player to the west 
-**Self.TurnWest**//()// Turn the player to the west 
-**Self.ReOpenBackpacks**//()// Closes and open the player backpacks 
-**Self.SayInChannel**//(ChannelID, Words)// Send a message to a channel ID 
-**Self.ToggleMount**//()// Toggle the player mount 
-**Self.Backpacks.UseOn**//(UseID, UseOn)// Use a item on a item inside your backpack 
-===== Player Inventory Equip ===== 
-**Self.Equip.Helmet**//(ID)// Equip a item on the Helmet slot 
-**Self.Equip.Amulet**//(ID)// Equip a item on the Amulet slot 
-**Self.Equip.Backpack**//(ID)// Equip a item on the Backpack slot 
-**Self.Equip.Armor**//(ID)// Equip a item on the Armor slot 
-**Self.Equip.RightHand**//(ID)// Equip a item on the Right Hand (->) slot 
-**Self.Equip.LeftHand**//(ID)// Equip a item on the Left Hand (<-) slot 
-**Self.Equip.Legs**//(ID)// Equip a item on the Legs slot 
-**Self.Equip.Boots**//(ID)// Equip a item on the Boots slot 
-**Self.Equip.Ring**//(ID)// Equip a item on the Ring slot 
-**Self.Equip.Ammo**//(ID)// Equip a item on the Ammunition slot 
-===== Player Inventory UnEquip ===== 
-**Self.UnEquip.Helmet**//(ToContainer)// Unequip the Helmet slot and put the item on the given container index 
-**Self.UnEquip.Amulet**//(ToContainer)// Unequip the Amulet slot and put the item on the given container index 
-**Self.UnEquip.Backpack**//(ToContainer)// Unequip the Backpack and put the item on the given container index 
-**Self.UnEquip.Armor**//(ToContainer)// Unequip the Armor slot and put the item on the given container index 
-**Self.UnEquip.RightHand**//(ToContainer)// Unequip the Right Hand (->) slot and put the item on the given container index 
-**Self.UnEquip.LeftHand**//(ToContainer)// Unequip the Left Hand (<-) slot and put the item on the given container index 
-**Self.UnEquip.Legs**//(ToContainer)// Unequip the Legs slot and put the item on the given container index 
-**Self.UnEquip.Boots**//(ToContainer)// Unequip the Boots slot and put the item on the given container index 
-**Self.UnEquip.Ring**//(ToContainer)// Unequip the Ring slot and put the item on the given container index 
-**Self.UnEquip.Ammo**//(ToContainer)// Unequip the Ammunition slot and put the item on the given container index 
-===== NPC Trading ===== 
-**NPC.Buy**//(ID, Count, IgnoreCap)// Buy a item on the Trade, requires the Trade open before using the macro (by saying Hi,Trade) 
-**NPC.BuyInBP**//(ID, Count, IgnoreCap)// Buy a item in a backpack from the Trade, requires the Trade open before using the macro (by saying Hi,Trade) 
-**NPC.Sell**//(ID, Count(-1 is all))// Sell item to the Trade, requires the Trade open before using the macro (by saying Hi,Trade) 
-**NPC.Say**//(Text)// Say a text in the special NPC channel 
-===== Working with Maps ===== 
-**Map.UseOn**//(ID, OnID, X, Y, Z, Range)// Use a item on the Map (shovel) (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Map.Use**//(ID, X, Y, Z, Range)// Use a item from the Map (Ports) (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Map.HasID**//(ID, X, Y, Z)// Check if a map position has a item (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Map.Thrown**//(ID, Count, X, Y, Z)// Thrown a item on the map from your backpacks (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Map.PickUp**//(ID, Count, ContainerTo, X, Y, Z)// Pick a item from the map (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Map.PickUpEx**//(ID, Count, ContainerTo, X, Y, Z, Range)// Pick a item from the map in a range (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-===== Working with Creatures ===== 
-**Creature.ByName**//(Name)// Gather a ID from the first creature with the name given found 
-**Creature.Attacking**//()// Gather the ID from the creature being attacked 
-**Creature.Target**//()// Gather the ID from the creature being attacked 
-**Creature.Self**//()// Gather the ID from the player 
-**Creature.Health**//(ID)// Returns the health percent of the creature with the given ID 
-**Creature.Speed**//(ID)// Returns the absolute speed value of the creature with the given ID 
-**Creature.DistanceToSelf**//(Calculate the distance from the creature with the given ID to the player)// ID 
-**Creature.NameIn**//(ID, Name,Na..)// Verify if the creature from the given ID name is in the list (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Creature.ShootOn**//(ID, Ammo)// Shoot a item on the creature (potions, runes and other items) 
-**Creature.X**//(ID)// Global position X from the creature 
-**Creature.Y**//(ID)// Global position Y from the creature 
-**Creature.Z**//(ID)// Global position Z from the creature 
-**Creature.IsPlayer**//(ID)// Check if a creature is a player (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Creature.IsNPC**//(ID)// Check if a creature is NPC or a Monster (Returns: Yes=1; No=0) 
-**Creature.GroupCount**//(ID)// Returns the number of the group that the player is in (guild or party) 
-**Creature.SquareVisible**//(ID)// Check if a creature has a square 
-**Creature.SquareRed**//(ID)// Return the RED color of the creature square 
-**Creature.SquareGreen**//(ID)// Return the GREEN color of the creature square 
-**Creature.SquareBlue**//(ID)// Return the BLUE color of the creature square 
-**Creature.Attack**//(ID)// Attack a creature 
-**Creature.Follow**//(ID)// Follow a creature 
-**Creature.KeepDistance**//(ID, Distance)// Keep a certain distance from a creature 
-**Creature.KeepDiagonal**//(ID)// Keeps on the diagonal of a creature 
-===== Creature Statistics ===== 
-**Creatures.Beside**//()// Count the number of creatures in a 1 sqm range 
-**Creatures.OnScreen**//()// Count the number of creatures in the screen 
-**Creatures.ByRange**//(Range)// Count the number of creatures in a sqm range 
-**Creatures.Killed**//(Name)// Count the number of creatures killed with a certain name 
-**Creatures.PlayersOnScreen**//()// Count the number of players on the screen 
-**Creatures.TaskKilled**//(Name)// Counts the number of task kills from a certain creature (BOT count, not absolute count) 
-**Creatures.PlayersOnRange**//(Range)// Counts the number of players in a sqm range 
-**Creatures.ByName**//(Name)// Counts the number of creatures with a certain name 
-**Creatures.NPCOnScreen**//()// Counts the number of NPC or Monsters in the screen 
-**Creatures.ByRangeName**//(Range, Name)// Counts the number of creatures with a certain name within a range 
-**Creatures.ByNameBeside**//(Name)// Counts the number of creatures with a certain name with a 1 sqm distance 
-===== Misc functions ===== 
-**Misc.ShootCount**//(InLastSeconds)// Return the number of magic shoot effects in a certain number of seconds 
-**Misc.AttackersCount**//(InLastSeconds)// Return the number of creatures that attacked the player in a certain number of seconds 
-**Misc.HPLose**//(InLastSeconds)// Return the number of HP loose in a certain number of seconds 
-**Misc.HPGain**//(InLastSeconds)// Return the number of HP gained in a certain number of seconds 
-**Misc.HPDelta**//(InLastSeconds)// Return the number of HP delta in a certain number of seconds 
-**Misc.ManaDelta**//(InLastSeconds)// Return the number of MANA delta in a certain number of seconds 
-**Misc.HPHitsBigger**//(InLastSeconds, BiggerThan)// Counts the number of hits that was bigger than a given value in a certain number of seconds 
-**Misc.StandTime**//()// Returns in seconds the time that the player dont walk 
-**Misc.ItemCount**//(ItemName)// Return the number of items from the hotkey message: You are using the... 
-**Misc.Alert**//(Message)// Start a sound alarm with a message 
-**Misc.LoadUrl**//(Url)// Load a URL 
-**Misc.LogFile**//(File, Text)// Log a message in a text file 
-**Misc.ItemCountEx**//(ItemID)// Count the number of items with a ID on the open backpacks 
-**HUD.Display**//(Text)// Displays a HUD message on game screen 
-**HUD.Setup**//(HAlign, VAlign, R, B, G)// Set how the HUD message from the macro is shown in the game screen 
-**HUD.Print**//(HAlign, VAlign, R, B, G, Expire, Text)// Show a HUD in the game screen with specific settings 
-**Cavebot.Start**//()// Starts the Cavebot 
-**Cavebot.Stop**//()// Stops the Cavebot 
-**Cavebot.Reset**//()// Resets the Cavebot 
-**CaveBot.GoLabel**//(Label)// Makes the Cavebot go to a waypoint label 
-**CaveBot.GoStart**//()// Makes the Cavebot go to the first waypoint item 
-**Killer.Start**//()// Start the Killer 
-**Killer.Stop**//()// Stop the Killer 
-**Bot.Pause**//()// Toggle the BBot pause 
-**BBot.TogglePause**//()// Toggle the BBot pause 
-**Bot.LoadSettings**//(Name)// Load a settings configuration file 
-**BBot.ToggleVisible**//()// Toggles the BBot main window visible 
-**BBot.ToggleStats**//()// Shows the BBot statistics on the game screen (HUD and Informations) 
-**BBot.LevelSpyReset**//()// Reset the Level Spy 
-**BBot.LevelSpyUp**//()// Makes the Level Spy go up one floor 
-**BBot.LevelSpyDown**//()// Makes the Level Spy go down one floor 
-**Macro.Wait**//(Delay)// Pause the macro and the entire bot for a delay in miliseconds 
-**Hotkey.Use**//(ID)// Use a Tibia item with a hotkey (e.g Gold Coin) 
-**Misc.SystemTime.Hour**//()// Returns the system HOUR 
-**Misc.SystemTime.Minute**//()// Returns the system MINUTE 
-**Misc.SystemTime.Second**//()// Returns the system SECOND 
-**Tibia.KeyDown**//(VirtualKeyCode)// Check if a Key is down in tibia 
-**Tibia.IsKeyDown**//(VirtualKeyCode)// Check if a Key is down in tibia 
-**Trainers.Stop**//()// Stop the Trainers 
-**Trainers.Start**//()// Start the Trainers 
-**Misc.Random**//(Min, Max)// Generate a random number in a range 
-**Trainers.ClearTrainers**//()// Clear the Trainers training creatures 
-**Protectors.Disable**//(Name)// Disable a protector by its name 
-**Protectors.Enable**//(Name)// Enable a protector by its name 
-**Protectors.DisableAll**//()// Disable all the Protectors 
-**Protectors.EnableAll**//()// Enable all the Protectors 
-**Tibia.SendKey**//(VirtualKeyCode)// Send a key to the Tibia 
-**Tibia.SendText**//(Text)// Send a text to the Tibia 
-**Tibia.Screenshot**//()// Takes a Tibia Screenshot 
-**Tibia.StealthScreenshot**//()// Clean up the HUD and take a Tibia Screenshot 
-**Tibia.Close**//()// Close the Tibia process 
-**BBot.RegisterSpell**//(SpellCode)// Teach the BBot a spell making the BBot exhaustions work well (Format: Name/Words/Mana/Kind[Attack,Support,Supply,Healing,Summon] => BBot.RegisterSpell(Light Healing/exura/20/Healing) ) 
macros_commands.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/11/15 16:43 (external edit)