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basic_functions [2012/08/17 03:58]
dexter [The Basic Functions]
basic_functions [2021/11/15 16:43] (current)
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 ====== The Basic Functions ====== ====== The Basic Functions ======
 ===== Summary ===== ===== Summary =====
 The **Basic Functions** is a group of small features of the BBot. The **Basic Functions** is a group of small features of the BBot.
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 ===== Functions ===== ===== Functions =====
 **Open Backpack:** when you don't have any container open it will open your backpack/bag. **Open Backpack:** when you don't have any container open it will open your backpack/bag.
 +**Drop Empty Vials:** this function will drop empty vials of mana/health potion on your feet.
 **Eat Food:** eats food from your backpack. **Eat Food:** eats food from your backpack.
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 -> **From Ground:** this option extends the **Eat Food** to eat from the ground, if the **Eat Food** eat something on the ground it will not eat from the backpack while the ground have food. -> **From Ground:** this option extends the **Eat Food** to eat from the ground, if the **Eat Food** eat something on the ground it will not eat from the backpack while the ground have food.
-**XRay:** let you see the name and the health of other players on other floors.+**Fishing:** start fishing until //min cap//.
-**Drop Empty Vials:** this function will drop empty vials of mana/health potion on your feet.+->//Need worm:// check this if the server you play needs worms to fish.
-**Stack Items:** group items in stacks, for example, you have on the same backpack two stacks of 22 and 36 gold pieces, the BBot will turn the two stacks into only one, having 58 gold pieces.+->//min cap//minimum cap to keep fishing.
-**[OT] Auto Change Gold:** this option will automatically transform 100 pieces of gold coin to 1 piece of platinum coin, also it will transform 100 pieces of platinum coin into 1 piece of crystal coin, this function should only be used in OTServers that supports this transformation.+**XRay:** let you see the name and the health of other players on other floors.
 **Reconnect:** the Reconnect option will try to re-login your character when you get disconnected. **Reconnect:** the Reconnect option will try to re-login your character when you get disconnected.
 **[ Reconnect Now ]** this button forces a reconnect-try. **[ Reconnect Now ]** this button forces a reconnect-try.
-**Framerate Limit:** controls the framerate of the Tibia it is not on the top of your desktopsowhen the Tibia is minimized it will not use CPU.+**Sever Save Logout:** Two minutes before the set time your character is logged out. If you are with //battle//, he turns off the cavebot and continues with the rest of the options, until exit the //battle//. When he left, he logs out safely. 
 +**Anti AFK Kick:** the Anti IDLE will turn your character (like //CTRL+ARROW//) to avoid the AFK/IDLE kick (after 15 minutes). 
 +**Stack Items:** group items in stacksfor exampleyou have on the same backpack two stacks of 22 and 36 gold pieces, the BBot will turn the two stacks into only one, having 58 gold pieces. 
 +**Ammo Counter:** this feature displays a small text showing the count of ammo on your inventory (hand/arrow).
 **Screenshot Advancements and Death:** this option will take a screenshot (saved on ///Screenshots//) when you advanced a level, a skill, your magiclevel or when you die. **Screenshot Advancements and Death:** this option will take a screenshot (saved on ///Screenshots//) when you advanced a level, a skill, your magiclevel or when you die.
-**Anti AFK Kick:** the Anti IDLE will turn your character (like //CTRL+ARROW//) to avoid the AFK/IDLE kick (after 15 minutes).+**Framerate Limit:** controls the framerate of the Tibia it is not on the top of your desktop, so, when the Tibia is minimized it will not use CPU. 
 +===== [!] Unsafe Features =====
-**Lighthack:** the Light Hack creates ((The Light Hack option makes a client-side lightso, only you can see the light)) a light around you **as** if you were using a spell or item that light+The options below are more detectable and therefore need //check// the option **[!] Unsafe Features** to active. When checked, the warning message will appear in your screen.
-**Fishing:** start fishing until //min cap//.+{{:warning.png?300|}}
-//min cap//: minimum cap to keep fishing.+Just click in **Ok** button.
-//Need worm:// check this if the server you play needs worms to fish.+//Use at your own risk.//
-**Ammo Counter:** this feature displays a small text showing the count of ammo on your inventory (hand/arrow).+**[!] Map Click:** By using the MapClick walkmode you increase the chance of being detected by the CipSoft bot detection tool. Also the MapClick may cause bugs on looter and killer. MapClick do not support walking over fields or players, this will NEVER be supported. MapClick feature must be only used when the normal walkmode do not work well.  
 +**[!] Level Spy:** With this option checked you can see creatures, players on floors above and below which you find yourself. This view has 2 floors below limits. 
 +**[!] [OT] Auto Change Gold:** this option will automatically transform 100 pieces of gold coin to 1 piece of platinum coin, also it will transform 100 pieces of platinum coin into 1 piece of crystal coin, this function should only be used in OTServers that supports this transformation. 
 +**[!] Lighthack:** the Light Hack creates ((The Light Hack option makes a client-side light, so, only you can see the light)) a light around you **as** if you were using a spell or item that light.
basic_functions.1345175886.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/11/15 16:43 (external edit)